Virtual experiences with our new VR Headsets
As a school we have been integrating our new VR headsets into our lessons to enhance and
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Home News & Events Forget Me Not Centre at St John’s Hospice
On the 11th May, a handful of Post 16 students from Underley Garden School got the opportunity to engage in the local community by visiting the Forget Me Not Centre at St John’s Hospice in Lancaster. It turned out to be an opportunity not to be missed!
St John’s Hospice visited Underley Garden during our annual Careers Week this year. The students were encapsulated by their talk and eager to get involved in work experience to support their fundraising for the charity. Students around the school planted various herbs and vegetables to donate to St John’s Hospice so they can sell them at an upcoming market in Silverdale.
It was our job in Post 16 to deliver to seedlings to the Hospice so off we went with a boot full of little plants to hopefully bring joy to someone somewhere in the future.
We arrived and were happily greeted by the volunteers there, we then took a small walk (including practising our road safety skills) to the Forget Me Not Centre where we absolutely loved exploring the beautiful setup they have there. We had a drink, snack and a chat whilst practising our communication skills. Kyle was so pleased he could independently ask the volunteers where the toilet is located. The other students were also busy putting skills learnt in the classroom into context out in the community. We enjoyed colouring, and doing some heart-warming activities such as sending a message to a passed loved one. There was also a table football game- that was great fun. Rachel read us a lovely story all about how to hold on to the memories of people we have loved. And then we put our coats on and went out to explore the outside area and the growing well. They even had beehives there. We all left St John’s Hospice with our hearts feeling full of joy. We can’t wait to go back and visit again.
© Outcomes First Group 2025