The school, which is co-educational, provides places for up to 96 children and young people aged 5 to 19.
The proportion of females to males is low, currently 25% of the cohort are females. The school is non-denominational and has a secular ethos but respects the cultural needs and religious beliefs of all.
We are able to offer places to children and young people who meet the criteria set out below. We currently receive referrals from Local Authorities (education/social care), health authorities (PCT/CAMHS), parents/carers and other independent professionals/bodies.
Admission Criteria
- Children and young people will be aged between 5 and 19 years.
- All children and young people will have an education, health and care plan or are under assessment (education, care or health)
- Children and young people whose needs stem from learning difficulties and disabilities, including autistic spectrum conditions, moderate to severe learning difficulties, associated medical and health issues, including attachment and mental health disorders.
Admissions Process
We welcome initial telephone or email enquiries. In order to begin the referral process, we require a written request with accompanying paper advice. Once a referral has been received the following actions will occur:
- An acknowledgement will be sent by return
- Initial assessment of papers by a member of the senior leadership team may require us to request further information
- The senior leadership team will consider the referral and provide an opinion on the viability of the school to meet the needs of the young person
- Advice would be taken from our consultant health and therapy team which includes Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapist
- Within five working days a decision will be made and communicated to the person making the referral.
- A member of the senior leadership team will be identified to lead on the referral and they will be the point of contact from thereon
- Parents/carers and the young person are invited to visit to look round, discuss the prospective placement, meet other children and young people and speak to key members of staff
- We visit the young person along with their parents/carers in the current home/care and education setting
- A decision is made whether to offer a place or not. If a place is not offered, we will offer advice on alternative placements if required. If a decision is made to admit, a letter and contract is sent to the referring authority.
- Appropriate transition planning will occur before admission. A date for admission is agreed between all relevant parties.