Assemblies at Underley Garden – Autumn 2
Assemblies are fundamental components in creating inclusive learning environments for children with diverse learning needs. These activities promote
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Home News & Events Children in Need 2024
The theme for this years Children in Need was ‘The Heaviest Backpack’. The heaviest backpack is a metaphor for the psychological burden many children carry every day. Whether it’s anxiety or problems at home, it can weigh them down and follow them everywhere.
Students at Underley Garden explored Children in Need in their assemblies, using discussions and role play to explore their worries and where thy can seek help. They then completed worksheets about their own worries and added them to backpacks. They then carried their worries in backpacks to the top of the driveway and offloaded our worries at the top of the hill in our designated ‘safe’ space.
It was great to see the children working together with their peers, alongside staff, getting stuck in with carrying the heavy backpacks to the finish line, showing that there is always someone to help and that we can help others with their worries also.
A great afternoon, raising awareness for Children in Need.
© Outcomes First Group 2025