Assemblies at Underley Garden – Autumn 2
Assemblies are fundamental components in creating inclusive learning environments for children with diverse learning needs. These activities promote
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Home News & Events ADHD Awareness Month
We have really enjoyed celebrating ADHD awareness month here at Underley Garden. Our learners have once again, embraced differences and thoroughly engaged in activities to expand their knowledge and understanding about the world around us and those who live in it.
Some learners spent some time researching their favourite TV characters who have ADHD. They chose Percy Jackson, Hiccup (How to train your Dragon), Dug (Up) and Dory (Finding Nemo). They chose the words that they thought best described these characters and what they like about each of them. We discussed if these people had any similarities or differences and why they are our favourite characters.
Learners accessed assemblies about ADHD, looking at what it is, how it can affect people and how we can help people with ADHD. Learners chose to share about their own experiences and those of their close friends or relatives. They shared their experience of ADHD which was great and we discussed different traits of ADHD and how it presents differently within different people.
Tutor times have also been used to look at the neurodiversity spectrum to include ADHD and discussed how most people will fall into the spectrum. Learners were engaged and asked brilliant questions in these sessions. They watched a video of Lewis Capaldi singing at Glastonbury and saw how he was struggling with his Tourette’s. Learners discussed how they can react and support people who are neurodiverse.
Learners have spent time developing their knowledge of ADHD and began understanding that it can be a superpower! They looked into some celebrities who have ADHD and talked about the positives in how having ADHD has helped them. They then spent some time completing a worksheet which spoke about the positives of ADHD and what strengths people with ADHD may have. This also linked into our Careers lessons, where learners have been exploring skills and qualities and they all came up with some great positive characteristics.
In PSHE we learnt all about positive traits of ADHD and learnt about famous people in history that have a diagnosis of ADHD. We then made posters to raise awareness of ADHD.
There have been creative ways classes have raised awareness of ADHD. These include baking biscuits and decorating them with the awareness logo. Learners then delivered them around school for each class to enjoy. Other classes have created ribbons to display their support and awareness.
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