Virtual experiences with our new VR Headsets
As a school we have been integrating our new VR headsets into our lessons to enhance and
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Home News & Events Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying Week began with National Kindness day. Each class was responsible for random acts of kindness throughout the day. These included helping each other, getting equipment for their peers, paying compliments and delivering fruit to other classes. Jessica made ‘Kindness fans’ which had special motivational and kind messages written in them. She then handed them out to staff and her peers. This was a great start to Anti-Bullying week as it reminded students and staff how easy it is to be kind and that not all gestures have to be big; it’s the little acts of kindness that count.
HT7 joined HT1 to accessed an assembly where they watched a lovely video about how to be a good friend and the importance of having good friends.
Activities for Anti-Bullying week included, colouring in pictures of people and wrote key words naming what they believe are the traits of a good friend. These included ‘playful’, ‘kind’, ‘fun’ and ‘helpful’. Lovely work!
PSHE lessons held discussions the differences between being a good friend and actions which may make you a bad friend. Students talked about what they look for in a friend . Students created job adverts for ‘a good friend’, listing what they were looking for, promoting the positivity of being a good friend and not upsetting others and being unkind.
Students spent time with peers from other classes, playing games and joining activities, using the skills of friendship they had learnt about and building positive relationships which they can carry on!
A great week!
© Outcomes First Group 2025