Virtual experiences with our new VR Headsets
As a school we have been integrating our new VR headsets into our lessons to enhance and
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Home News & Events Science Week
This week Underley have been putting their Scientific heads on and jumping into Science week with both feet!
Each class planned and carried out their own WOW investigation and had lots of fun doing so.
On Tuesday morning classes came to the Sports Hall and explored a carousel of different experiments such as predicting items that would float and sink in a water tray, using different materials to make a parachute and testing which was the best, predicitng what would be best to melt ice to save dinosaurs from ice balls and using lemon juice and heat to write and read secret messages.
Tuesday afternoon classes got involved with workshops, learning how to carry out a fair test and make predictions and ended the session with setting off rockets!
On Fri our young people got involved with workshops making and using kaleidoscopes and using natural light to make old style photographs.
Everyone had a great time and learnt lots doing it!
© Outcomes First Group 2025