Virtual experiences with our new VR Headsets
As a school we have been integrating our new VR headsets into our lessons to enhance and
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Home News & Events Today we had some exciting visitors!
Johnathan Chappell from Dog Section at Cumbria Constabulary arrived to talk to us about his dogs, the tasks they undertake and the training regime they have undergone to achieve their high level of ability.
Before introducing the dogs, Johnathan discussed his role, how long he had worked in the police and began explaining what the dogs do, what training is involved (for both a prospective employee and the dogs). He demonstrated the tools he uses to train the dogs and showed off his uniform. He held a Q/A session with the learners before hiding cash around the sports hall. He explained the training each dog is expected to pass, explaining not all dogs make the cut.
The Dogs are a mix of Belgian Malinois, Spaniel and Labrador. He brought out Jack the spaniel first. Spaniels are used for searching, they can find drugs, money, ammunition, guns and even parts of guns. Their ability to trace even minute amounts of drugs is phenomenal. Training does take a long time and is a creative mix of play and reward. Just like school children, dogs do get bored and so training is broken down into manageable chunks.
Jack quickly began searching for the cash and found it relatively easily. The learners really enjoyed taking it in turns to reward Jack on each find, by throwing his favourite ball for him and wearing some of the uniform. Jack was so friendly, loving belly rubs from everyone there.
Johnathan then introduced us to Viper. She is a 9-month-old Belgian Malinois. We couldn’t pet her as she is still in training and was quite boisterous, however, Johnathan explained that once she passing training, she will be used for chasing perpetrators as she will be able to reach a speed of 30mph!
The learners thoroughly enjoyed this visit, exploring Johnathan’s vehicle after the showcase. Johnathan showed the learners the cages and equipment stored in the vehicle which is used to support his role.
Johnathan answered further questions from learners who had specifically identified Police work as a career of interest, guiding through what he thorught was the best and most supportive pathway into this career.
Great fun and lots of information given about this fantastic Career choice!
© Outcomes First Group 2025